
Monday, November 28, 2022

Abortion Pills Are Accessible Still Why Do Women Hesitate?

unwanted pregnancy

Science has improved and it has also proved that having termination with pills is better than having termination by surgical way. But still, there is a gap between the right to access this Abortion Pill and use them in different parts of the world. In spite of all the gestion termination pills being approved by the FDA women fear terminating the pregnancy with Abortion Pills. In countries like the U.S.A where abortion is legal women buy Abortion Pills online USA to have a safe termination at home corners. 

The countries where abortion is banned it is due to some misunderstanding which includes the killing of humans and further infertility in women. While it is banned in some countries other countries permit the ladies of their countries to access termination pills. 

To have a medical process woman first is asked to intake Mifepristone antiprogestin pill so that the lining of the uterus breaks and the fetus gets separated from the uterus. After 24-48 hours of intaking online Mifepristone abortion Pill, you need to intake Misoprostol tablet which is prostaglandin E1 analogue so that it can help to contract the uterus and expel the fetus from the body. Bringing an entire process to end will take 14-16 days. 

Variety of medical abortion process among states

There are some countries wherein termination is illegal and women need to travel far places to seek an abortion wherein healthcare is lawful as well appropriate consultation is also met. This is a very huge process wherein a large amount of expenditure will be required for hospitalization, travel and health care expert fees. This process though takes less time but still, it becomes very tough for managing it.

However, now due to the law, women are free to access Abortion Pills purchase online and this is the safest way. As surgical and medical both ways of terminating the pregnancy give you the same results. 

Sometimes women choose surgical abortion procedure and they are not aware of the illegal practitioner. This illegal practitioner can tough eliminate the fetus still it can even cause damage to the reproductive system of the woman and can even sometimes result in death. 

Why women hesitate to choose pregnancy termination with pills?

During surgical termination, a vacuum is placed inside of the cervix to the uterus and the embryo is begin sucking out which results in the termination of pregnancy. If this process is not performed by the certified person, then there are chances that women can face deep injuries in the uterus, womb, and abdomen and may even bleed excessively. This can even result in fatal for women’s health. Hence, many of the women do not stick to this termination process.

Hence it is important that women should be made accessible to termination pills so that they do not have to be depended on someone for the whole process. As well medical termination process can be performed easily and also there is less or no risk involved in the medical termination. 

As surgical termination is expensive some of women cannot even afford to order Abortion Pills online such women can prefer to online medical stores which helps them to prefer FDA medicines at an even cheaper cost.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

When are women not recommended to use MTP kit tablet?

Usually, we do talk about using online abortion pills, but there are times when women are not recommended to use this termination tablet. Women usually do land in a problem wherein they have to choose whether to continue or discontinue with the pregnancy. Women having unplanned pregnancies need to know that such a situation might lead them to make some strong decisions that they may never choose. Women with such situations can choose the right decision and get rid of gestation without any complications.

Usually, women are recommended to use MTP kit, they are guided with thousands of instructions, but there are some conditions too that one needs to know about.

Having IUD

Women having intrauterine decide in the body need to know that they are restricted from using abortion pills. Women who have IUD in the body need to look into that they do remove this device from the body and then use MTP kit tablets to get rid of the gestation.


Sometimes, there are chances that women might end up having an allergy to some other ingredient of this tablet. Women who wish to have an abortion with MTP kit need to look into that they do choose the right remedy that doesn’t cause any allergy or negative effect. Women need to be careful with the allergic symptoms they have regarding any medicaments before using any abortion pill.

Medical history

Knowing your medical history or bringing it to the notice of a health care provider is one of the best options that help women avoid unwanted situations. Medical conditions such as uterine rupture, intestinal infection or diabetes, blood pressure, or any other disorder needs to get checked with the health care provider. If women do have any such medical condition then consulting a health care provider works well for women.

Type of pregnancy

Women recommended to use online MTP kit need to learn about the type of pregnancy they have. A lot of time, women do end up having pregnancy outside the uterus and when the pregnancy is outside the uterus, the use of MTP kit or any other abortion pill does not work.

Hence, the patient having pregnancy need to first check the type of pregnancy and then choose the method of an abortion.


The most important factor that affects the use of MTP kit is age. Women with the age of fewer than 18 years are not guided to use abortion pills. Women need to understand that the age of women if is less than 18 years using the termination tablets without the consent of the parents is not entertained. Also, at times women above the age of 35 years are recommended to restrict the use as there are chances they might end up having complications.

Well, be it anything, women need to look into that they are aware of most of the things that alert them regarding the use of the termination tablets. Women with any conditions need to bring it to the notice of health care providers to know whether to use termination tablets or not.


Saturday, March 14, 2020

How does the Mifeprex pill differ from the Misoprostol tablet?

Surgical abortion is the one which has been declining for a decade ad medical abortion has increased. Medical abortion prioritizes the privacy of women due to which most of women do choose to opt for this easy process. However, the utility of online Abortion Pills is increasing day by day. When it is easy to use the pills, women do get the process wrong if they fail to understand the difference between both the meds.

The pills that are used for abortion are Mifeprex and Misoprostol and both the pills work in a different manner, have different consumption process and the different regimens are also followed in the administration.

Mifeprex Abortion Pill

As known, this is an anti-progesterone pill that causes an alteration in the hormones and blocks the hormones that help pregnancy grow. Progesterone is the important hormones, they help to provide nutrition and oxygen to the embryo so that the development inside the womb can happen in a smooth way. Due to the hormones being blocked, the pregnancy ends and the embryo gets departed from the uterus. The strength in which Mifeprex is available is 200mg and this dose is increased if use this medicament alone. Women who are instructed to buy Mifeprex online alone and use it, they need to use 3 tablets of this med which helps to bring an end to the gestation period.

Consumption of Mifepristone pill

Women who are asked to make use of this medicament they need to follow a simple process. Women need to place the pills and gulp down it with a glass of water. 

Misoprostol Abortion Pill

This is the secondary pill and this is a synthetic prostaglandin E1 analog med that helps to soften the cervix and cause contraction of the uterus. This abortion tablet causes the uterus to contract and then the embryo can be passed out in the form of vaginal bleeding. This secondary termination pill is available in 200mcg strength and usually women when used combination pills, 4 pills are used. If you order Misoprostol online which is prescribed to be used alone, then 12 pills at a time are to be used.


While consuming this Abortion Pill women need to choose between Buccal and vaginal methods. The Buccal method is wherein women need to place pills in cheek pouches and dissolve them in the mouth for 30 minutes. The other method that is vaginal is where women need to place pills in the vagina. This termination pill is to be placed in the vagina with the help of fingers and let them dissolve in the mouth for 30 minutes.

Difference between Mifeprex and Misoprostol pill

Both this Abortion Pills cause hormonal changes and also they do have a minute difference which is discussed below:

  1. Mifepristone pill hinders the progesterone and Misoprostol is used so that it can soften the cervix and allow the pregnancy parts to flush out from the body.
  2. Mifeprex is to be consumed with a glass of water and two different methods are used to consume the Misoprostol pill. The buccal and vaginal are the two ways that can help women to get rid of the undesired pregnancy.
  3. This combination helps women to get 99% effective results.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Why does women prefer to have a self-induced abortion at home?

Women on a large scale are adapting new techniques that help to terminate the pregnancy on their own. Women who prefer to have an abortion can order online Abortion Pills and get the pregnancy terminated. Women need to follow a proper regimen which helps women to conceal the pregnancy effectively.

Why do most of the women prefer to have a home abortion?

Currently, most of the women do prefer a self- an induced method which helps in terminating the pregnancy.  This method is chosen over the surgical method due because the surgical process is to be performed with the help of vacuum aspiration. For obtaining medical abortion women can make the use of abortion pills like Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills.  Further to opt for these method women need to check the further signs of medical ailments.

This method is supposed to be safe because this method is performed at home corners and it becomes easy to maintain the privacy of the abortion process.


  • Women who are asked to make use of Mifepristone and Misoprostol abortion pills need to check the criteria so that it becomes easy to end the pregnancy safely and effectively by avoiding complications.
  • Women need to check the medical aliments so that it becomes easy to know whether the pills can be used or not.
  • Women also need to check whether they are allergic to the elements of the termination pills.
  • Women if have an intrauterine device on the body, then they are asked to get the device removed and then make the use of the Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills.

Functions of the pills

Women who make the use of the Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills, they need you to start with the Mifepristone pill. This is an anti-progesterone pill which is used so that it becomes easy to cancel the pregnancy effectively. These termination pills are the one which helps to separate the fetus from the uterus.

After the administration of the Mifepristone pill, women need to use the Misoprostol pills which help to end the pregnancy. This termination pill works by contracting the uterus so that the fetus gets dispelled from the uterus.

In case if women are asked to make use of only the Mifeprex pill then women need to make use of 3 pills and avoid the use of the Misoprostol pills. If your health care provider suggests you make the use of the combination of pills than women need to make use of 1 Mifepristone and 4 pills of Misoprostol to have an abortion.

  • If women do order Mifepristone pill to have an abortion, then prior this they need to check the meds they use with health care providers. Some of the meds interact with termination pills.
  • Women need to strictly avoid the use of alcohol, grapefruit juice, magnesium, and smoking.
  • Also, women need to ensure that they do strictly stay away from the use of sexual activity and physical activity.
  • Women need to ensure that after 14 days of having an abortion women do have an ultrasound test.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Should women use Mifepristone along with Misoprostol or use only Misoprostol?

There have been long debates that affect the decision of women to have an abortion. Women who wish to have a pregnancy terminated can make the use of online Abortion Pills and have an abortion at home corners. Women need to make sure that they do check the gestation period first and then make the use of the termination pills.

Once you are done deciding the mode of abortion one can safely choose what is to be done and whatnot. While women do have a medical abortion, the use of Mifepristone and Misoprostol are the one which is to be used and which helps women to get the pregnancy terminated.  

Key aspects

The two pills which are used for abortion are Mifepristone and Misoprostol which help to deal with abortion. These meds do have the best effect on the overall health of women. Both pills do work effectively and have their own importance and also are been sold under various brands which helps women around the globe to get the pregnancy terminated. Rather than using only single pills to have abortion women are asked to make use of a combination of pills that help to end the pregnancy.


These abortion pills are the options that can be used while women do wish to have an abortion.  These pills are used only if the gestation period of the pregnancy is not more than 9 weeks. One way or the other Mifepristone and Misoprostol are to be used in combination so that it can help to increase the chances of having a successful abortion.

When both the pills are used women can make the use of the Mifepristone pill first and this abortion pill works the best so that it can help women to get the fetus separated from the uterus. Women who make the use of the Mifepristone pill along with Misoprostol are asked to use the  Misoprostol pill after 24 hours of using the abortion pills. After the administration of the prostaglandin pill, it becomes easy for women to get the pregnancy terminated.

Mechanism of the pills

Both the pills help to alter the hormones in the body and helps women to get the pregnancy terminated. The use of anti-progesterone pill works on the hormones which help to separate the fetus from the uterus. After the use of the anti-progesterone hormones, women need to use prostaglandin pills which help to separate the fetus from the uterus. This abortion pill contracts the uterus and dispels the fetus from the body.

Effectiveness of the pill

When the online Misoprostol is accompanied by Mifepristone it works the best and helps to get the pregnancy gestation of  9 weeks terminated. The success rate due to the use is near to 95-99 percent, whereas the effectiveness varies if the gestation period is during the 10th week.

Women do prefer to use the combination of pills so that it becomes easy for them to get the pregnancy terminated. This is one of the best options which helps women to get the pregnancy terminated at home corners.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

MTP Kit - To Dislodge Your Pregnancy Effectively

Essentials to check before going through the abortion process

Gestation period

The gestation period is one of the important factors which affects the decision of choosing the method to abort the pregnancy. The gestation period is nothing but the length of the pregnancy and hence it is necessary that one does know the length of pregnancy. Women who have a gestation period of up to 10 weeks can order abortion pills to get the pregnancy aborted. If the gestation period of pregnancy is more than 9 weeks, then women can simply make the use of the pills and get the pregnancy terminated.

Conditions to use the meds

  • Women who have a gestation period of up to 9 weeks can make the use of the kit and if the gestation the period is more than women are asked to opt to have a surgical abortion.
  • Women before opting to have a medical abortion need to get the intrauterine device removed.
  • If women do have any of the medical issues, then they need to strictly stay away from the use of these abortion pills.
  • If women are allergic to the elements of this MTP kit, then they need to avoid the use of the meds.
  • Women need to ensure that if the age of women is more than 35 years, then women need to use the meds only under the supervision of the health care provider.

Using the MTP kit

MTP kit is a complete kit that is used so that it can help to terminate the pregnancy in an effective manner. This kit contains Mifepristone and Misoprostol as an active element that helps women to end the pregnancy in an effective manner.
Women first are asked to make use of the Mifepristone pill which helps to block the growth of the pregnancy. The progesterone hormones are the one which helps the fetus to grow and provides the required essentials. When these pills are used from the MTP kit it is common that the fetus gets separated from the uterus due to which the process to end the unplanned pregnancy goes smooth.
After the administration of the Mifepristone pill from the kit, women is asked to wait for 24 hours. After 24 hours of using this termination, pill women can make the use of the Misoprostol pill and this abortion pill works by dilating the cervix. Further, this pill is responsible to cause a contraction in the uterus due to which the fetus gets dispelled from the body.


  • While on the online MTP kit ensure that the pills are used as per instruction and all the steps are followed.
  • Before one does make the use of the MTP kit, it is necessary that the use of alcohol and smoke is been avoided. This can help women to avoid the risk of having an infection and get a successful abortion without complications.
  • Women need to avoid the use of magnesium as this interacts with the MTP kit pills and results in side effects. Alongside magnesium, women are also asked to avoid the use of grapefruit juice.
  • During the abortion process, women need to strictly avoid indulging in sexual activity and physical labor as this can affect the recovery process.       

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Know the ways to treat abortion effects

Abortion with the help of Abortion Pills are safe and involve lesser side-effects as compared to that with the surgical abortion. Hence, women prefer to get an abortion with the help of the Abortion Pills so that the abortion is safe and this can be dealt with in a homelier manner. In case of the invasive method, the side-effects may lead to tearing of the uterus, which again needs an operation to be cured.

In case of medical abortion, the woman suffers from the pain in the uterus and she also suffers from a lot of bleeding which surpasses the periods to four times. This is more uncomforting but women prefer to buy online Abortion Pill and get it done at home as this will help to be managed in a better way.

Few of the home remedies help to heal the problems involved in the process of abortion so that the woman can return back to her normal life as early as possible. As we know during the termination process the side-effects are bound to happen so it is always best to know the ways to overcome the process of abortion.

Nutrient requirement

Two nutrients contain that decrease during the process of abortion is vitamin B and vitamin C and this requires to be refilled in the body. This also helps in the tissue regeneration process and this is much required to bring the body back to the previous position as it was before pregnancy.

Increase in water content in the body

During the process of abortion, a lot of water is lost during the vaginal discharge. This is too much loss as during the abortion process the woman suffers from the problem of water discharge from the body and this is a much-needed content of the body. When you keep taking water adequately this also decreases the effects that are caused by the abortion procedure and in this way a woman can easily get an abortion without any problems. It is good to intake almost 5 liters of water each day during the abortion process.

How to tackle the pain?

Pain is natural when you are having a medical abortion with Abortion Pills and this can be easily tackled without painkillers. If the pain is unbearable, we do suggest taking ibuprofen, which can ease the problem of pain during an abortion. You can always take a mild hot shower, which will help you to get relieved from the process.

How to manage the problem of diarrhea?

The problem of diarrhea is something that starts with the effect of Abortion Pills and this also stays for two to three days. This is recommended to take fruits that contain a lot of electrolytes so that you can get rid of the problem. You can also take water with glucose or salt and sugar to lessen the effects cause because of diarrhea.

You can buy Abortion Pills online to get an abortion, but it is also required to see whether you are allergic to any of the Abortion Pills or not?