
Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Mifeprex is a complete abortion pills prescribed for the early pregnancy to abort. It is used to terminate intrauterine pregnancy holding 49 days of pregnancy. It includes the active ingredients called Mifepristone to end the early pregnancy completely. Mifepristone is exactly called an abortion pills use by the female to end their 7 to 9 weeks of pregnancy.


How to use Mifeprex?

You need to glances the Medication Guidance offered by the physician prior you initiate with the Mifepristone. Continue reading the guidance list whenever you required. If, in case you have any queries speak to your physician. You need to take the medicine completely without breaking or mashing. Take sufficient amount of water to consume this pregnancy termination pills. You need to completely run the dosage under doctors guidance do not use your mind in any case. Online buy Mifepristone is an oral form of hard pill and is a single dose that needs to be exerted under the guidance of the doctor. Since, it is very hard drug one needs to be cautious about it. After, its intake you will face a heavy vaginal bleeding for a week, which signs that you are getting the fetus aborted. The bleeding goes for some one severe and for someone moderate. You will have to visit the physician thrice after exertion of pills by maintaining the gap of (1, 3 & 14 days) to conclude your treatment. Your physician may ask you to go for ultrasound to assure that you have completely got the pregnancy end in less than 7 weeks & is not left exterior of the womb, which is called ectopic. This confirmation in vital to be done; since, it confirms your pregnancy and keep you relax from the risk of pregnancy. Prior you practice confirm your pregnancy by undergoing ultrasound test. As sometimes you need to practice the secondary pills called Misoprostol. In case if test showed existing pregnancy. You will have to practice Misoprostol within 48 hours of time. Sometimes, heavy bleeding left the abortion incomplete. And after practice of Misoprostol you again need to go for check up to see whether you got the pregnancy aborted completely or not. If then so, you fail to abort the fetus you need to go for surgical process to abort the pregnancy. Well, it rarely happens; since, early pregnancy 7 to 9 weeks gets easily terminated through this medicine. 

Day 1Mifepristone of 600mg one single dose.
Day 3: Misoprostol of 400micrograms one single dose that should practice it orally unless and until abortion get confirmed.
Day 14: verify the absolute termination of pregnancy done by going under ultra-sonographic scan.


Kindly, shun practicing grapefruit juice while exercising abortion pills or until and unless the doctor asks you take. Do not smoke or drink alcohol or practice any illegal drugs during the abortion process. Do not perform any exercise or operate any machinery work. One with Hemostatic concern, Hypocoagulability, an austere phase of anemia, chronic medical situations, cardiac conditions, hypertensive, hepatic, respiratory, or renal disorders. One must levy gestational age of fetus & must diagnose the risk of ectopic pregnancy; who have permission to give facilities for urgent treatment of unfinished abortion, austere bleeding, etc. If in case you are suffering from an austere health condition disclose it to the doctor before practicing this mifeprex abortion pills. As it may hinder the process of abortion and may fail to perform well and could also lead to cause certain severe form of side-effects.


Risk of ectopic pregnancy or undiagnosed adnexal collection, chronic adrenal stoppage, Prostaglandin allergy, Hemorrhagic concerns, genetic porphyrias, Concurrent long- period of corticosteroid therapy, Anticoagulants.

Drug Interactions:

ketoconazole, itraconazole, erythromycin, grapefruit stuff. Perhaps may include antagonized by rifampin, dexamethasone, phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine.


An enduring vaginal bleeding, cramping, stomach upset, head pain, dizziness, exhaustion back ache, fever, vaginitis, rigors, lack of sleep, leg pain, anxiety, anemia, leukorrhea, etc. The normal side-effects such as giddiness, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, harsh heart beats, etc. can be faced. You can probably consult doctor for the assistance.


Since, it is most powerful medicine you must keep it completely away from the range of heat, moisture, sunrays and kids. Dispose once turned outdated.