
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

7 Awesome Facts about DNA

Deoxyribonucleic corrosive, generally known as DNA, is an atom that encodes the hereditary data that manages a living being's advancement and working. Basically, in case you're a living life form, you have DNA.

In any case, what amount of do you really think about the microscopic building square of life that shapes who you are? Here are seven great realities about DNA.

By the end of this article you will know the 7 Awesome Facts About DNA

Awesome Facts about DNA # 1:

There is a memory gadget known as the 'Interminable Drive' that is as of now circling the Earth.

This memory gadget is inside the International Space Station, and it contains digitalized DNA arrangements of renowned identities, for example, Lance Armstrong, Stephen Colbert, Stephen Hawking and others. It is an endeavor to safeguard human DNA in a period case in the event that there is a worldwide fiasco on Earth.

Awesome Facts about DNA # 2:

Actuality: Human DNA could cover the separation from the earth to the sun around 600 times.

On the off chance that you loosen up and join the strands of DNA in a solitary human cell together, it would associate with 6 feet long. Suppose you did likewise to the strands of DNA in the 100 trillion cells introduce in your body—the whole DNA in your body could make several round treks to the sun.

Awesome Facts about DNA # 3:

Reality: Humans are more than 98 percent indistinguishable to chimps.

Exploration demonstrates that people are hereditarily not quite the same as chimpanzees by only 1.2 percent. The last normal precursor between the species lived almost 6 million years back. After a billion years of development, people offer qualities with every living animal on earth.

Awesome Facts about DNA # 4:

Reality: If you typed 60 words every moment, for eight hours every day, it would take you around 50 years to sort the human genome.

The human genome is only the whole arrangement of hereditary data of people. This hereditary data is encoded as DNA arrangements inside the 23 sets of chromosomes.

Awesome Facts about DNA # 5:

Reality: A solitary gram of DNA can hold 700 terabytes of information.

Researchers at Harvard University have effectively put away 5.5 petabits of information — give or take 700 terabytes — in one gram of DNA.

Awesome Facts about DNA # 6:

Truth: People conceived after 1955 have hints of radioactive carbon in their DNA.

In the 1950s, amid the Cold War, the United States and the USSR completed the blast of atomic warheads in their own badlands. As a consequence of the boundless measure of radioactivity that was discharged into the earth, individuals conceived after 1955 have follow measures of radioactive carbon-14 in their DNA.

Awesome Facts about DNA # 7:

Truth: All people are 99.9 percent alike.

Not to undermine your one of a kind family tree, but rather its basically the same as everybody else's. Anyhow, recall that those likenesses are unfathomably critical: they are what make you, well you.

You just read the 7 Awesome Facts about DNA. 

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